Chances to change

The game

“I thought it would be a game where you had to solve riddles. But ii is about working on the riddle of  your self, the riddle of your inner world”.



ChancesToChange is a truly unique board game that allows us to explore who we are and what we are about here on earth. 

It teaches us to invite everything in and be with all of that in the moment. Quite a task, quite a teacher!

 You want more of who you truly are? Then let the Being of the ChancesTo Change game and your fellow players guide you and show you the way.

 As you play, be prepared to come into touch with Source, to be brought deep into your body and what is happening there, and to have your personal qualities reflected back to you in magical images and words, and much more. And all of this in a joyful and playful way as life and the game takes you by the hand.

– Edie Doolan


The driving force behind chances to change is Veerle De Bock. In 2016 she got the guidance to create this boardgame and with other co- created she has worked on it until now. Creating a movement/ community to learn and explore further.

I am very happy to be part of this movement.


Join and play


Every first monday of the month from 7.30pm untill 9.30pm I open my house in Deventer as a personal playing field for growth. When you are in the vicinity, know that you are welcome.

If you want to know more about the game:


November 6, December 4

Scan the code